Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First Day of School

So yesterday my girls went to Mommy's Day Out at the Methodist Church. They were so excited! Anabel was the first person up!! This is a first, Anabel loves to sleep she would sleep till 10am everyday if i would let her no joke! They were so cute getting ready. And when i gave them there backpacks and lunch boxes they were so happy. Anabel has been wanting to do this for a while now. She kept asking when do i get to go to school (her cousin Logan is in school). I think they liked it, Landra was very excited to see us. She was a little scared when we first got there, but the teacher said she did great! They will be going back on Wednesday so this will be the real test on if they liked it. Here are a few pictures of them getting ready. It was raining so i didn't get any pictures of them getting to school maybe next time.


Anne-Camille Collins said...

Awww...... Look how adorable they are!!! Hope they enjoy MDO... Cort loves it!

scrappin_gomer said...

They are so precious. I wish Lex would have liked it when I took her. So glad they had fun!!
