Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Out of the Hospital

I just wanted to let everyone know I was in the hospital last week with the STOMACH FLU!!! But I'm out know and feeling much better. The Dr. said the baby is doing great and so is mommy.

How we got the flu can you say Silver Dollor City. We went for a family trip to branson for a couple of days. And poor Landra got sick Saturday night and before we new it Anabel was sick by Monday and me Monday night. I went to the hospital because i was 29 weeks pregnant and they would not let me leave till Wednesday night. By the time i got home Matt was sick. And to top it all off a giant tree limb fell on both our cars. So this week i have to get both cars looked at and fixed. What a crazy week. But a least we are all feeling better and doing well. Matt went back to work Monday and the girls got to go back to Mothers Day Out! I hope everyone else is doing great i just thought i would share lol.

This is just one of many dints on Matts car. The poor thing took most of the damage my poor baby we have had this car for 9 years i just cant get rid of it love that car!

Honda damage

one of the Hondas dints

Both cars with the tree limb off to the side in two pieces!